Developing Characters

Developing your character (protagonist/Antagonist-hero/_heroin /MainCharacter .

Developing your character is very important, whether in YA or romance or suspense. Here are some basic ways to do so. 
   A main character, can be a protagonist or antagonist ,heroin ,hero  depending on your genre and story.
   The first start is having a good story. Your characters are nothing without a good story. 
  1. Attributes individualistic characters to them. ( both physical and non physical)
  2. Make them relatable
  3. Flaws: flaws are important for s character, no single character is perfect.
  4. Show their opinions and thoughts through little things, such as the wat they think of the news ,how they perceive beauty or death or sadness. Little descriptions can give insight to your characters. 

  1.   Give your characters a strong voice ,in the sense that you make them a symbol of a particular group of people in a society. And let them speak for them.
  2.  When creating your characters bear in mind the audience you are writing for ,teenagers, stay at home mums ,etc.

                          Good luck :-) 
                         Bookish Sadie


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