We are the Wildcats by Siobhan Vivian( book review)

  We are the wild cats,,the navy blue and white .
We are the wildcats ,always ready for a fight.

Don't mess with the wildcats,we won't accept defeat.
For are the wild cats we won't just be beat.

Three cheers for the wildcats, your honor we'll defend
Cause when you are a wildcat,you are a wildcat till the end!

      Coach is a paragon ,a model figure, the Wild cats adore him ,obey him,they all want to please him. He pushes them too hard ,but it is his way ,he wants them to play well.  He is too good for them ,he is too good for the Wild cats. He loses it ,but that is just how he does. Coach helps them all ,he has connections, he helps them all into top league universities. 
    But it is all a lie ,it is all a facade. Coach is not too good for them ,he just acts that way. He manipulates them and lies to them. And when the girls find out ,they have to find a way to stop him.
         Siobhan Vivian, is a talented  YA writer. She describes so well ,and pays attention to her  unique characters. 
  In We are the Wild cats she pays more attention to the characters and their relations to the mystical coach. My favorite character in the book is Grace ,she is fun ,a little bit dorky ,not scared to express herself and emits innocence in a way. 
  We are the Wildcats was a wonderful read. 


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